Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Registering Do's and Don'ts

DO realize that just because you've registered for it doesn't mean you'll get it. In other words, don't count your china before it's packed.

DO register for enough gifts with the respect to your wedding list. If you've invited 300 people, make sure and register for that many gifts.

DO register at a wide variety of locations that all your guests will have access to.

DO complete the registration process by the time you send out your invitation. It's also perfectly acceptable, if not downright recommended, to register earlier so that early shoppers or shower guests can have access to the information.

DO keep scrupulous track of every gift you receive and who gave it to you. (You will need this later for writing your thank you notes.)

DO plan for guests who bring their gifts to the reception instead of having it send directly to you either before or after. Set aside a specific table for these gifts in an area that gets relatively little traffic is possible. Assign someone to be in charge, making sure to tape the cards to the packages and guide people to where they can leave them.

DON'T open gifts brought to the reception at the reception itself. Wait until later that day or when you return from your honeymoon.

DON'T register for things that are so expensive that few people you know can afford them.

DON'T register for "phantom" gifts, intending to trade them all in for more expensive gifts later.

DO think twice before displaying your gifts at the reception. Many people feel that the old tradition is not in good taste and may even risk embarrassing a guest or two, something you never, ever want to do. Also, while the two of you probably love staring at all your loot in one big shiny pile, don't make the mistake of assuming others will find this pastime nearly as fascinating. A more practical reason to refrain from this practice is that gifts have a discerning habit of "walking" away from reception displays.

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