Friday, December 14, 2007

Photography Quick Tips

Photography Quick Tips

  • It is essential to book your photographer at least nine months to a year in advance. Since the best studios are booked up to two years ahead, you should begin looking for a photographer as soon as you set your date.
  • Go to several studios and look through sample books, and keep your eyes open for quality.
  • The pictures should be clear, well lighted, and printed on professional grade paper to prevent the colors from fading over time.
  • Look at complete wedding albums from beginning to end. Don't settle for selected pictures from several weddings, because these will represent the photographer's best work.
  • Obviously, price will be important, but don't let it stand in the way of quality.
  • When you plan the schedule for your wedding, don't forget about your photography. Allow plenty of time for a variety of shots, especially if you will be going to a different location.
  • Take the time to sit down with the photographer and fill him or her in on the events of the day. A pre-wedding consultation is essential because that's where a photographer can get all the details of the wedding day.
  • Be sure to meet the person who will be responsible for photographing your wedding, and see how sensitive that person is to your needs.
  • Find out how long after the wedding the photographer will keep the negatives, in case you want to order more prints later on.
  • When you find a photographer you're interested in, ask for references and be sure to check them.
  • Once you've made your decision and come to an agreement with the photographer, put everything into a contract.

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