Poem by Nicole Pearson
Two years ago you came into my life
And have turned my world around.
Our future than was uncertain
But the time we shared together was precious
I value every hug
Every kiss
Every squeeze
Every smile
Every minute that we were together
My heart was filled with doubt
And my mind filled bad memories
Of a heart ache I didn?t want to face again
You were patient with me
You understood me
You guided me into your loving arms
And soon enough your love for me was guided into my heart
You are my soul mate
You believe in me and have faith in us
Together we can conquer anything
These past two years weren?t always smooth
But together, with love, we pulled through
My love for you continues to grow
From the bottom of my heart and my entire soul
Every inch of my body tingles for you
When I hear your sweet voice
Or feel your gentle touch
You love me for me
And I love you for you
And with each other
All of our dreams can come true
Two years is a small amount of time
To have been together because
I know that we will be together forever
Made for my boyfriend Ryan for our second ?dating? anniversary
Charles and Hope's ceremony
Poem by Hope
Friends we have been invited here today to share with Charles and
Hope a most important moment in their lives. In the time they have been together their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured. Now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife.
(Parents and people are seated)
We have been invited to hear Charles and Hope as they promise to face the future together, accepting whatever may lie ahead. For the world that has been created for them, with its beauty and grace that is all around, with the strength that it offers and the peace that it brings, makes them truly grateful.
Charles and Hope, nothing is easier than saying words and nothing harder than living them day after day. What you promise today must be renewed and re-decided tomorrow. At the end of this ceremony legally you will be man and wife, but you still must decide each day that stretches out before you, that you want to be married.
Real love is something beyond the warmth and glow, the excitement and romance of being deeply in love. It is caring as much about the welfare and happiness of your marriage partner as about your own. But real love is not total absorption in each other; it is looking outward in the same direction --together. Love makes burdens lighter, because you divide them. It makes joys more intense because you share them. It makes you stronger so you can reach out and become involved with life in ways you dared not risk alone.
Marriage is not just a legal document. No pastor, no priest, no justice of the peace can create a marriage. For a marriage is truly nothing but the promises made and kept between two individuals.
Pastor--Who brings Hope to stand beside Charles today?
Bride's parents--We do.
Pastor to both sets of parents?
Parents, are you willing, now and always to support and strengthen this marriage by upholding both Charles and Hope with your love and concern?
Both sets of parents respond---We are.
pastor--Thank you, you may be seated
In the presence of our dear family and friends, I pledge to be your wife/husband from this day forward.
To live with you, and laugh with you. To stand by your side, and sleep in your arms.
Where there has been cold, you have brought warmth; Where there was darkness, You have brought light.
I, Hope/Charles, take you, Charles/Hope to be my wedded wife/husband. As I have given you my hand to hold, today I give you my heart to keep.
I will be at your side, for all the risings and settings of the sun, for all the days of fullness and in barren times. In the joy and pain, strength and weariness,
I pledge myself to deepening my love and understanding in you for all of the days to come.
My commitment is to be faithful to you alone today, as I take my place as your husband/wife.
May our days be long, and may they be seasoned with love, understanding, and respect, forever and ever.
Today is the beginning of the rest of our lives. I choose to spend today, and all of my tomorrows, with you as my husband/wife, my sweetheart, my lover and my friend for as long as we both shall live.
Pastor to Groom?
Charles, what token do you give of the vows you have made to your wife today?
Groom--A ring.
(Groom repeats his ring vows and places ring on bride's finger.)
I give you this ring, wear it with love and joy. As this ring has no end, neither does my love for you.
Pastor to Bride?
Hope, what token do you give of the vows you have made to your husband today?
Bride-- A ring.
(Bride repeats her ring vows and places ring on groom's finger.)
I give you this ring, wear it with love and joy. As this ring has no end, neither does my love for you.
Charles and Hope, we have heard you promise to share your lives in marriage. We recognize and respect the commitment you have made to each other. It is not a minister standing before you that makes your marriage real, but the honesty and sincerity of what you have said and done here before your friends and relatives.
For as much as Charles and Hope have consented together in wedlock and have witnessed the same before family and friends, by the authority committed onto me, I declare that Charles and Hope are now husband and wife.
Wine Ceremony (1)
Poem by Melissa San Francisco
"The years of our lives are a cup of wine poured out for us to drink. The grapes when they are pressed give forth their good juices for the wine. Under the wine press of time our lives give forth their labor and honor and love. Many days you will sit at the same table and eat and drink together. Drink now, and may the cups of your lives be sweet and full to running over."
Wine Ceremony (2)
Poem by Melissa San Francisco
Long ago, wine was revered as the blood of the earth. When bride and groom pledged themselves to each other, they drank wine from a single cup, signifying that they were becoming one blood, one family, one kin. Cup-raising was an invitation to the gods to witness this oath and hold the persons to their words.
Bride's name and Groom's name, share this cup in acknowledgment of the new bond between you.
Wine Ceremony (3)
Poem by Melissa San Francisco
The years of life will have some hardships and disappointments, of which this bitter wine is a symbol, remember to forgive the frailties of one another. Bear together life?s adversities and be confident that the good will always return.
(Groom takes a sip, then passes it to Bride)
The years of life have indeed, much happiness, joy, hope and goodness, of which this sweet wine is a token. We ask that you drink of it together, and as you do, earnestly seek the power and wisdom to use all the pleasure and prosperity that may come to you with gratitude and modesty, with sympathy for those less fortunate than yourselves.
(Groom takes a sip, then passes it to Bride, who then gives it back to the minister)
As you have shared the wine from these goblets, so may you share your lives. May you find life?s joys heightened, its bitterness sweetened, and all of life enriched by a constant love.
For you my love
Poem by Melissa Wirls
Some time ago, you kissed me for the very first time. That kiss melted my complete existance and made my head swirl with the realization that every notion that I may have had about love and passion were nothing compared to how you made me feel at that very moment.
Since then, we have experienced many highs and lows and through it all, you have never left my heart. No matter what was happeneing, whether it righteous or direful, the love i have for you has always remained steadfast in my very core.
When I look at you, I see the brilliance of all that lies upon this Earth and all that extends above.
To you, my husband, I give to you my smiles to remind you of our love and my laughter to surround you for the rest of your days; I give to you the tears of joy that explode each time i think of how truly deep my love for you lies; I give to you soft carresses and passionate kisses to entice you into exploring each part of my body that is given to you without reservation; I give to you two sons that although were not produced directly from you, are yours in every way of the heart and who flourish every day knowing that you are in their lives; I give to you a son that was created out of our love for one another, a son that looks to you with love in his eyes and who will grow each day showing characteristics of us both; I give to you whatever I may have and whoever I am and all that I may have or be in the many years that lie ahead
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